We welcome photographic contributions to our guidebooks and to the SMC Journal.
Photos are best submitted as digital images but slides/transparencies are also welcome. Please do not scan slides. All slides will be looked after and returned in due course. We pay for photographs used in our guides and each provider of a published photograph will also receive a free guide/journal. Photographers always retain the copyright of their photographs.
Please read our technical guidance, below, carefully before submitting digital photographs.

Submissions for Guidebooks
We are currently working on a number of guidebooks, all of which need good action photos to illustrate them -
Dumfries and Galloway Climbs is a new guide to the sea cliffs and mountain crags, summer and winter. The deadline for submissions is spring 2025.
Skye Climbs will include the Cuillins, the Sea Cliffs and Outcrops all in one volume. The deadline for submissions will be around summer 2025.
Scottish Winter Climbs North is a new selected guide to winter routes in the north of Scotland. It covers the crags to the north of our Winter Climbs West guidebook. The deadline for submissions is likely to be around summer 2025.
Ben Nevis Winter Climbs is a comprehensive guide to all the winter routes of The Ben. The deadline for submissions is likely to be around autumn 2025.
Scottish Sport Climbs is a new edition of our popular comprehensive guide to the sport crags of Scotland. The deadline for submissions is likely to be around spring 2026.
North-East Rock Climbs will replace North East Outcrops which is now over 20 years old. It will cover the same area, and the deadline for submissions will be around spring 2026.
Highland Outcrops North will be a companion to our popular Highland Outcrops South guidebook. The deadline being around autumn 2026.
Scottish Winter Climbs East is a new selected guide to winter routes in the Cairngorms (plus Creag Meagaidh). The deadline for submissions is likely to be around autumn 2026.
If you have any good photos then we would be keen to see them.
However please don't delay, we need to work out where the gaps are in our coverage and we're happy to receive photos at any time. There is a small payment and/or a free copy of the guide for contributors.
Portrait (vertical) format or landscape (horizontal) format are equally acceptable. Historical photos (first ascents, aided ascents, etc.) are also useful. Please send photographs to Grahame Nicoll -
email (NB use 'at' symbol in email address): photos(at)smc.org.uk
Submissions for SMC Journal
Photos for the annual SMC Journal should be submitted by the end of January to be accepted for the next issue.
If you have any suitable photos which you would like to see in the SMC Journal then please send them to the Journal Photo Editor.
Photos submitted in connection with an article should be sent alongside the relevant article to the Journal Editor.
- Photos from most modern digital cameras and smart phones (5 megapixels and above) are acceptable. Cameras/phones with large sensors will give better quality photos. Always shoot on full resolution and the largest image size. If ‘zooming-in’ then use optical zoom rather than digital zoom. Your photo should have a minimum resolution of about 2400 pixels along the longest edge, and if your photo is less than 1MB it will not be usable.
- We prefer the original files exactly as downloaded from the camera. Please do not reformat, sharpen, colour or contrast adjust your photos. If you wish to do this to a copy to show us you have a picture with potential, fine, but it is not essential. We’d like the unadjusted photo taken in highest quality JPG format. TIFF or RAW formats are also acceptable.
- Please be selective with the photos you send. Weed out the poor ones, we only want to see the best. And please do not send more than 2 or 3 almost identical shots.
- You must include name of route, names of climbers (if known) and name of person to be credited with the photo – these details can be included in the photo file name. We also require your email address so we can contact you. These details are essential, we cannot use your photo without them.
- You can either email your photos to us, or use WeTransfer (or similar) if your photos are large or if you have lots to send. You can also post a memory stick, which will be returned. If attaching photos to an email then your message must not exceed 20MB.