About Our Publications
The SMC produces a number of Hillwalkers’ Guides including the best and most popular guides to the Munros, Corbetts, Grahams and Donalds, together with a series of area guidebooks covering all of Scotland. In addition, it produces Scramblers’ Guides and the definitive series of Climbers’ Guidebooks covering summer and winter climbing in Scotland.
SMC guidebooks are published by the Scottish Mountaineering Press. The Scottish Mountaineering Press is a wholly owned subsidiary of a charity, the Scottish Mountaineering Trust, to whom we channel all of our profits. The SMP promote and share Scotland’s natural wonders by embracing the creativity and art born out of an explorer spirit, and by celebrating the endeavour and joy in a life lived outdoors.
You can find updates to some of our Climbers' Guides on their relevant pages.